OpenCL.jl 0.10: Now with native Julia kernels
GPUArrays v11: Port to KernelAbstractions.jl
Metal.jl 1.4: Improved random numbers
CUDA.jl 5.5: Maintenance release
CUDA.jl 5.4: Memory management mayhem
oneAPI.jl 1.5: Ponte Vecchio support and oneMKL improvements
CUDA.jl 5.2 and 5.3: Maintenance releases
CUDA.jl 5.1: Unified memory and cooperative groups
CUDA.jl 5.0: Integrated profiler and task synchronization changes
Profiling oneAPI.jl applications with VTune
Metal.jl 0.2: Metal Performance Shaders
oneAPI.jl 1.0: oneMKL, Intel Arc and Julia 1.9
Technical preview: Programming Apple M1 GPUs in Julia with Metal.jl
Paper: Flexible Performant GEMM Kernels on GPUs
CUDA.jl 1.3 - Multi-device programming
CUDAnative.jl 3.0 and CuArrays.jl 2.0
Julia's Dramatic Rise in HPC and Elsewhere
Accelerating Tensor Computations in Julia with the GPU
Julia Computing Brings Support for NVIDIA GPU Computing on Arm Powered Servers
DifferentialEquations.jl v6.9.0 released with automatic Multi-GPU support
An Introduction to GPU Programming in Julia
Next Generation Climate Models leverage Julia and GPUs
New Climate Model to be Built from the Ground Up
Solving Systems of Stochastic PDEs and using GPUs in Julia
High-Performance GPU Computing in the Julia Programming Language